Strategies XXI

International Scientific Conference

International Scientific Conference STRATEGIES XXI - Bucharest, ROMANIA 


The National Defense University "Carol I" has launched since 2005, the scientific initiative STRATEGY XXI, which has as main objectives the dissemination within the academic community of the results of scientific research conducted by participants, as well as establishing / consolidating partnerships with educational institutions and research, military and civilian, in the country and abroad.

Under the auspices of STRATEGES XXI, a series of large-scale scientific conferences are held annually, organized by the faculties and research centers of the university. The scientific event provides, year after year, the appropriate academic framework for the exchange of ideas, the expression of opinions and the communication of the latest research results in the fields of global security and national defense in the context of the contemporary military phenomenon.

The conference is attended by personalities with concerns in the field of defense and security, both in the country and abroad, representatives of the structures of the Ministry of National Defense, the General Staff of Defense and the staffs of the army force categories, as well as cadres. teachers, researchers, students and doctoral students of the National Defense University "Carol I", the Military Technical Academy, the academies of the categories of forces and other prestigious universities in Romania and abroad.

Scientific papers and conference volumes will be indexed in ProQuest and submitted for evaluation for inclusion in the Conference Proceedings Citation Index (Web of Science).

Beginning with 2005, "Carol I" National Defence University launched the scientific initiative STRATEGIES XXI aiming to create an appropriate framework for the dissemination of research results and to establish and strengthen partnerships with civilian and military educational and research institutions from Romania and from abroad. 

Annually, a number of major scientific conferences organized by faculties and research centers of the university are held under the auspices of STRATEGIES XXI.